Accounts of Clash of Clans Free Abandoned

Clash of Clans It has the particularity that it is a game that has been with us for many years, it was the pillar of the construction of the empire that we know as Supercell, in addition to being one of the first mobile games to enter the competitive environment. In Europe many tournaments are held in which two players fight to get the best score by looting their opponent's village. 


But if you have noticed how sometimes while you carry out your looting you find dead or abandoned villagesThey are simply villages of players who eventually quit the game or simply stopped using their account for multiple reasons. These villages are free stars for you and may contain some viable resources to make your progression easier.

Accounts of Clash of Clans Free Abandoned
Accounts of Clash of Clans Free Abandoned

Where can I find dead villages 

It is common to find dead villages in low-level city councils, since these are usually players who only started the game but did not like it enough to invest the time necessary to progress correctly in it. 

In the case of high-level city councils, TH9 onwards, if it is much more difficult to find these dead villages, this is because if they have already reached this point it is because they liked the game enough to dedicate enough time to progress . However, if these dead villages exist at high levels.

How to identify a dead village

The process is quite simple, after 60 hours your resources are maxed out and your traps will have to be repaired, so if when we start the attack we see that the traps do not work, it is very likely that it is an abandoned village. 

You just have to make the attack strategic enough not to spend so many resources taking his village and that the gains are good for you. That is to say, if in terms of expense and reward it pays to carry out the attack. 

Many players are dedicated to looking for these abandoned villages To have a fast progression, from what we explained above, if you spend few resources on the attack and get a good amount of reward, we could say that it was a successful day for your village. 

On some occasions there are villages that seem abandoned but they are not, it is for this reason that we must use the characters efficiently and see if it really is an abandoned village or not. 

Remember that not everyone uses the same attack strategies as you, so sometimes they will not enter through the site where they are concentrated the most cheating. Be attentive to everything and if you are lucky enough to find an abandoned village, get all the resources you can from it and ensure your stars in the attack. 

We hope this article has served you and you know how to optimally identify a abandoned village of another active. We invite you to continue reading our articles related to the world of clash of clans, as well as that of many other games on our official website. 

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