How to remove the not accept friend requests in Fortnite

Friends are a fundamental part if you want to have a good time in your favorite hobbies, especially when it comes to video games like Fortnite. Of course, if you start getting friend requests over and over again, you probably decided to disable this option, and now you don't know how to get it back.


If that is your case, you surely know how annoying it can be. For this reason, you probably enabled the option to not allow other users to send you requests. In this guide we will teach you cHow to remove the do not accept friend requests in Fortnite in a simple and uncomplicated way. Let's go!

How to remove the not accept friend requests in Fortnite
How to remove the not accept friend requests in Fortnite

How to remove the not accept friend requests in Fortnite?

The ability to remove friend requests Fortnite It is very useful, since you can determine who can seek to make friends with you on the platform and who cannot. However, you are probably waiting for something important, and now you need to give permission to accept the requests.

In this case, you will be required to follow a short process to modify the settings that you set earlier, and re-enable this aspect of the game. Next, we show you the step by step that you will have to carry out, as well as the other options that you have.

Re-enable friend requests on your account

  1. Open the Epic Games launcher.
  2. Enter to Fortnite and go to the main menu.
  3. Find the Settings tab.
  4. Select the Account and privacy section there.

In this section of the Settings you will find a Social Privacy title, where you will look for the Permission section for friends to invite. Once you are located, you will have to click on the arrow in order to select one of the alternatives that it offers you, which are:

  • Any: This is the one you must activate, as it will allow any user to send you a friend request.
  • Friends of friends: This is another alternative that offers greater control, since it will only give access to this option to friends of those who are already your friends in Fortnite.
  • Anyone: It is the one you have activated, and it means that absolutely no player can request your friendship. 

After you have selected “Anyone” or “Friends of friends”, save the new settings and restart the game to make sure you make the changes correctly.

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