How to open inventory Fortnite

El Inventory… Many of us overlook it in our first years as players, but there comes a time when we realize its importance, since here we learn to better organize and manage our resources, as well as weapons, improvements and recovery items as it is. as we need it in Fortnite, because it is the Battle Royale of the moment, its interface is of the utmost importance for the speed of the games.


Then join us in this opportunity to discover how to open inventory Fortnite, so you don't get lost among so many buttons and you can find what you need in the indicated time, so let's not talk anymore and... Let's go!

How to open inventory Fortnite
How to open inventory Fortnite

How to open the inventory in Fortnite?

We must take into account that there are two types of inventories in Fortnite, we will start talking about the PC version, if we want to open it during our stay in the creative mode We will press the “Tab”, which in some cases may appear on your keyboard as TAB, but in case you cannot find it, it is located to the left of the Q with some arrows pointing at opposite points.

If instead we want to open it in the competitive mode, we will have to press the "I" button keeping in mind that here the inventory will appear in the lower right part, with the weapons and objects that we have left here, because it is a game in real time, time itself will not stop like this that you must be aware of when to use it and how, so now we will explain how you can change the objects.

How do I change the items in my inventory?

When starting the game, we will go directly to its configuration, all this from the main menu of course, in the configuration menu we will go to the nut-shaped icon, there we will see many options, but we will focus on finding the one that leads Name "Preferred Item Slots” Here we will press configure and all that remains is to order our inventory in the way that best suits our game mode.

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