how to record Fortnite on PC

Fortnite It is currently one of the most popular games within the gamer communities, where you can demonstrate great skills and competencies, which is why its users are always looking for tools that allow them to capture every great moment in as much detail as possible.


So if you want to capture every move in Fortnite to be able to share it with your friends or perhaps revive them again, shortly we will tell you how to do it using your Nintendo Switch and your PC. Let's go there!

how to record Fortnite on PC
how to record Fortnite on PC

how to record Fortnite on PC

As for computers, the game also does not have a direct option to record the window, but it does allow you to use alternative programs. That is why there are different types of software that will help you capture the screen, which you can use online or install them on your PC.

But if you want to avoid downloading and installing a program on your computer because you only need to record a few times, an alternative is ShowMore. This tool offers you videos in high quality, and even allows you to simultaneously record your screen and webcam.

On the other hand, as far as programs are concerned, another great option is the program Viewer discretion It is one of the most efficient and recognized, besides it is simple to use and offers you total control over every aspect of the video that you are going to capture.

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