How to get the skateboard in Subway Surfers

of the best games in the world. Also, that with the style of skateboarding in conjunction with the runner has made players obsess with it. For the same reason, many users come across the option of taking out a hoverboard and want to know how to get the skateboard in Subway Surfers.


This game thanks to its popularity has had thousands of downloads. Which, has also brought many questions about the game and its different aspects. The novices of the game do not know how to use the skateboard in Subway Surfers and do not know the benefits it offers. But, you should not worry, since we will explain how to use this simple tool.

We take the initiative to make a complete guide on the skateboard or hoverboard. In which you can also find the use of it, the advantages it offers in the levels and much more. For this reason, we invite you to continue reading.

How to get the skateboard in Subway Surfers
How to get the skateboard in Subway Surfers

How to get the skateboard in Subway Surfers: what is the hoverboard?

The Hoverboard skateboard appears by default when we start as newbies in Subway surfers. If you have a smartphone you can activate the skateboard by tocar twice the screen of your device. This skateboard is responsible for protecting your graffiti artist from hitting any of the obstacles.

The truth is that activating it is the easiest thing in the game and much easier to use it.

Next, we will explain the benefits that it offers you within Subway Surfers:

benefits of skateboarding Subway Surfers

When you have started the game and activate your skateboard you will start to notice the difference. Since, among the different benefits offered by the hoverboard, one of them is the fastest way in which you move. Which means you won't be easily caught by the game guard. So when you activate it, the advantages you have are quite great, you can even get more coins and objects with ease.

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