What is the True Story of Subway Surfers

Many players of Subway Surfers have wondered what the true story of Subway surfers. Well, from the point of view of many on the Internet, various theories can be observed that could justify the original reason why this game has this theme. Here we will tell you completely about this so that you can know the truth.


Subway Surfers is one of the typical games in which you have to run and escape from the police. But, in this case it is about the inspector with his dog. It is a very fun and very addictive game, which has undoubtedly caught the attention of many. Next we will talk about one of the many theories of the creation of this game.

What is the True Story of Subway Surfers
What is the True Story of Subway Surfers

What is the True Story of Subway Surfers

The theory found is from a 180-year-old man named Carlos. Which, mentions that he saw the creator of the game, took many photos with him and tried to ask them questions about Subway surfers. Despite avoiding them, he told her: “I was a child passionate about video games, I always spent my time in my room playing hundreds of them, in variety, I have always liked creating games with animations, although I knew it was not easy, it was my sleep".

He also mentions that “One day a person comes home injured and bloodied, so he let him go home and helped him. Taking him to his room and sitting him on his sofa, says the person who poured alcohol on him and placed bandages on him, offered food and called the police. Once he returned to the room and what he saw was the floor stained with his blood and an open window."

According to the character “The boy had escaped long hours of the night, but he did not go out looking for him for fear that something would happen to him. That's when, after 3 weeks, he decided to create a new mobile game. In the fourth week he created the game and already had 10.000 downloads on the Play Store, where a young man ran along a railway. However, that child did not stop appearing in his dream. ”

Maybe it's not about the actual theory of Subway Surfersalthough we don't know for sure. But, it is a story that could catch the community. Do you want to know much more? We invite you to visit our portal!

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