How to play Among Us in real life

If you ever wondered what it would be like to carry Among Us, your favorite game in real life, because you are not the only one, and surely you will not be the last! This game mode in real life has been going on for a long time, obviously, murders in real life do not cross the mind of any person, they are simply games for the fun and entertainment of its participants.


But before explaining how the game works in real life, we will tell you some basic concepts for all those who do not know what we are talking about. Let us begin!. 

How to play among us in real life
How to play among us in real life

What is Among us?

It is a game in which a group of people enter a ship, and each of them has the possibility of playing two different roles, the first, the crew member, is in charge of carrying out the recovery tasks of the ship, in favor of , to survive and escape. The second is the impostor, who pretends to be a crew member, to assassinate each of the crew members. 

Currently you can play it in mobile format or on the traditional desktop computer. You just have to be aware of having enough ram memory, in the case of the mobile, so that it can run in the most fluid and efficient way. After knowing what it is among usLet's see how we can recreate it in real life. 

How to play among us in real life

The first thing we must do is stipulate what role each of the participants will have, if they have uniforms like the characters in the video game, it will be a plus that they could consider. If not, you just need to remember who is who. 

For the missions section, you can currently find an infinite number of creative missions on the internet, which you can perform quickly, and in turn, have fun in the process with your friends. 

How to choose who will be the impostor

The impostor is the main role of the game, in which the plot of each game is centered. He will be your great nightmare throughout the game since you could be killed, in case of being the crew member, or a great ally, in case they wish to play with more than one impostor. 

For the choice, it would be as easy as grabbing the traditional long and short chopsticks, the one that gets the short one, will be the imposter. There is also the traditional method of writing the roles on a piece of paper and each of the participants taking them out. 

What will each game be like?

Each game will end in two ways, if each of the crew completes 100% of their tasks, or if the impostor manages to kill each of the crew without being identified in the process. 

It is important to note that there is the possibility of activating the emergency button to request a meeting. This meeting is used to make the accusations and clarify the suspicions of who may be the imposter. 

For his part, the impostor must argue in his favor and seek, through his arguments, to prove his innocence, in each of these meetings. Without a doubt, it is a very fun game that you can play with your family and friends, always remembering the rules of the game and looking for entertainment among its participants. 

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