brawler generator

Have you heard about the use of a brawler generator de Brawl Stars? If you are a fan of this fun game, surely you are. And surely, you already realized that unfortunately what these pages offer to give you for free is not true.

Free Random Brawlers Generator
Free Random Brawlers Generator

Free Random Brawlers Generator

The Brawlers Generator is just another scam of the many that you get on the web. It promises you to get your favorite characters from Brawl Stars without having to pay a large sum of gems. Don't fall for it! And be careful with your personal data.

Brawl Stars offers you a total of 55 characters, each with extraordinary star abilities and excellent combat stats. You can search for the characteristics of each one, and thus you will be able to select the one that best suits your expectations.

Brawlers categories in Brawl Stars

The different Brawlers are divided into different categories, all with extraordinary potential, ideal for each game mode.

Next, we will let you know the different categories of Brawlers of Brawl Stars.


They are the most balanced characters and also very easy to handle. These characters have the ability to deal a normal level of damage at medium ranges. Best of all, they take reasonable damage.


They are the largest characters in Brawl Stars, and they take the most damage since their health level is considerably high. But, his offensive ability is quite limited.


These Brawlers are the ones with the most range in the entire game. These characters are weak at close range.


Its function is to launch projectiles at each of its enemies. These characters are great for all those specialized players.


His role is to heal each of his team members. You must protect these characters, because they will do the same for you.


These characters are deadly and are divided into toxic, fast and stealthy. Swifts have the ability to deal significant damage in close quarters combat. The toxic ones apply poison on their enemies while they are in combat and the stealth ones have the ability to become invisible.

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