Compare players in FIFA Mobile

FIFA Mobile is a game for mobile devices created by EA Sports and is characterized by being something different from the sagas of FIFA that exist. With different game modes available, you will love this game because of the details regarding the characteristics of the players.


In most games FIFA you should compare players to build a good team, FIFA Mobile is no exception, and for this we will teach you how to make your player comparisons in order to form your winning team.

DISCOVER: When is the restart FIFA Mobile: click on the button.

Compare players in FIFA Mobile
Compare players in FIFA Mobile

Ways to compare your players in FIFA Mobile

Below we will share up to four ways to compare players in FIFA Mobile so that you can get rid of any doubts as to which player is better than another when they have very similar Stats or average. These are the ones we recommend you try:

Use the “compare” option in FIFA Mobile

When you go to your starting eleven you will be able to choose your player to compare him, in the tab where the information about him will appear, there will be a button that will say "compare", in which when you press it you will instantly be able to compare two or more players.


This page offers you a very detailed list of each player, by having your star player you can make your comparison with others in the same category or simply by their best scores in everything. You can even compare more than two players at the same time.


Like the previous one, this page is very complete, and it serves as an alternative since "FIFARenderZ” You don't always have the exact numbers. You will be able to have the details of the players, their mental and physical statistics, and even the power to compare several at the same time.


This web page is one of the most popular and reliable, although it is used more than anything for the version of FIFA for consoles, it can also be used to have a reference of the Stats of each player and of course, compare them to see which one is better.

With these four options for compare your players in FIFA Mobile, you will be able to fully examine your players without problems. The game uses very realistic statistical details so the details you find out about your players are based on real players.

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