How much data does it consume FIFA Mobile

FIFA Mobile It is a game that in most of its game modes is played online, so having a good internet connection is a must if we want to play for hours or have good games. Today we will discover How much data do you consume FIFA Mobile when playing it?


In an online game like FIFA Mobile the internet is used to keep you online and that is why it can consume a large amount of data, maybe if you connect via Wi-fi you will not have any worries, but if you use data it is very likely that you will use it at some point.

How much data does it consume FIFA Mobile
How much data does it consume FIFA Mobile

How much data do you consume FIFA Mobile?

We have to separate the different actions that can consume data from your mobile, starting by its download that will consume 127 MB in just game, followed by the extra data of the game that is at least 300mb more can weigh up to 400 MB.

Games with a good movement of 60 FPS will consume an estimated 30 MB just playing the game, so if you play about 10 games we would be talking about about 30 MB consumed approx.

But if you get to do other things within the game using even FUT, you can spend up to 100 MB in approximately 15 minutes, so we can say that FIFA Mobile It is a game that consumes a high amount of mobile data in a short time, unlike other mobile online games.

How much data do most games consume?

There are many games that consume very minimal amounts of data, which allows you to play a greater number of games online when you do not have WI FI or are away from home.

FIFA Mobile It's a game that consumes a considerable amount of mobile data when playing it this way, so keep this in mind and try not to spend a lot of time playing it with your data if you don't have enough or low data, as you could run out of data in any moment.

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