How much does a Pubg Mobile player make

Pubg Mobile has such a large community that there are users who completely dedicate their lives to the game. Well, thanks to the evolution of eSports, many ordinary people have been able to play the games they like and receive money in return. It is something very similar to what football or other sports would be, however the reinforcements in this form are not physical. In this article we are going to explain how much does a player win PUBG Mobile.


The truth is that there is no specific value, since the contracts that are obtained do not work in the same way. However, we are going to show you the way the industry works in a general way. Therefore, the first point you should know is that it is a growing sector, so there is a high level of investment.

As in other sports, most of the income comes from advertising. Therefore, the salary generated by a professional pubg mobile gamer It will depend on the brands you are affiliated with.

How much does a Pubg Mobile player make
How much does a Pubg Mobile player make

How much does a Pubg Mobile player make?

In the same way as in League Of Legends, Call of Duty Mobile and other games, users are usually structured through groups. Where you play, train and fight in battles with a group of people, who become your team. You and your team play under a contract where you must commit to following your coach's orders. Which will guide you throughout the journey as a professional player.

Said contract and salary will be supported by the money that has been invested in advertising. And the ground approaches from the $1000 up to $5000 per month. It is worth mentioning that extra income can come through YouTube and Twitch channels, there you will increase subscribers or advertising. In addition, an additional salary for winning a prize in a tournament where you participate. Keep in mind that professional players are sponsored, so they need to win tournaments to increase the visibility of the brand that hired them.

Note: You will not obtain these types of values ​​from one day to the next, for this you must train very hard. This way you will earn money just by playing what you like.

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