How to Add Friends in Pubg Mobile

In all games that feature online servers like Pubg Mobile, it is normal to find people with whom you can share gaming experiences. Under the settings within each game mode such as microphone and voice chat, you can talk seamlessly with connected users in the game.


As Pubg Mobile is a shooter that has the option to play in groups, it is almost a requirement to have friends to combine skills and achieve victory. In this new installment, we will explain how to add friends in PUBG Mobile step.

How to Add Friends in Pubg Mobile
How to Add Friends in Pubg Mobile

How to add friends in Pubg Mobile?

As in all online games, in PUBG Mobile you can add friends and play together with them. To do this, you will only have to follow the following procedure:

  1. Sign in to your account on the Pubg Mobile platform.
  2. Locate the friends icon located at the bottom of the screen and tap on it.
  3. The next step will be to enter your friend's name and search for it.
  4. You need to verify that it's your friend's account before you can add them.

Because there are some very similar names in Pubg Mobile, you can write a message to it before adding it. Sure, but this step is totally optional.

Also, it is important that you know that Pubg It works on different consoles and devices. So, if you have used the same account before in PlayStation, Xbox or other consoles, you can match up with friends you previously had. Also, if you use your Facebook account and you link it, you can get the details of your Facebook friends who have linked their accounts in the game.

Now that you know everything about how to add friends in pubg mobile You can create a party and join online matches. You just have to have non-toxic conversations in the game and help each other grow.

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