How to change region in Pubg

It is common that in the various games that exist for mobile devices you cannot change the region easily. This is caused by the fact that each phone has a real location. Which, sends to the system and allows the game to locate you in the region or server so that the internet connection is the most appropriate.


However, these types of modifications have begun to be made in games such as Pubg Mobile and Free Fire, where it has at least 5 regions and servers worldwide. Today we are going to explain how to change region in PUBG Mobile quickly and easily.

How to change region in Pubg
How to change region in Pubg

How to change region in Pubg Mobile

Generally, to modify the region of a game it is necessary to trick it through a vpn, where you can select the country where your mobile will be located. However, Garena has been aware of this and has blocked those accounts that illegally modify their region.

As a result of all this happened in different shooters, Tencent Games has decided to implement a process so that players can change region in pubg mobile However, this procedure is somewhat extensive, we will mention it below:

  1. First of all, you will need to go to the main lobby of Pubg Mobile.
  2. Access the configuration section of the game.
  3. Progressively, you must enter the basic submenu, where you will see a box with the name "find the option to change your region/country".
  4. Automatically, the system will indicate your current region and the advantages of locating in it.
  5. Once the process is done, you will be asked if you want to confirm the decision you have made. If the answer is positive, your account must spend at least 60 days in the region you have selected before you can change region in pubg again.

Please note that after you change region, events from the old region will disappear. Therefore, you will only be able to participate in those events that are in your new region.

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