How to get gold in Pubg Lite

Gold is considered the standard exchange currency used for various mobile games. In this case, in Pubg Mobile Lite, this gold coin is called as L-Coin or BP and it is extremely important in the journey of every player in the game. Next, we are going to explain how to get gold in pubg lite and what can you do with it.


Pubg Lite is the game version of PUBG Mobile for devices with fewer resources (low-end phones). In this version gold is equally important for every user in the community. Since, it allows you to buy various benefits, customize suits, weapons, skins and much more. But, the way to obtain said gold is not easy, so you must spend time in the game.

How to get gold in Pubg Lite
How to get gold in Pubg Lite

How to get gold in Pubg Lite?

Really the way you get the gold in pubg mobile lite it is extremely simple. Since, the main modality is winning games in the different forms of the game, completing daily and weekly missions, or keeping an active session for as long as you can.

In the same way, you have the option to accumulate gold in relation to the performance you have had in each game. This is being elaborated according to the damage and the amount of murders that you made in your games. Like, that the position in which you have been in the ranked modality. Well, you will be awarded the gold according to the position you have left in the ranking.

These are all the ways you can get gold in pubg lite. Now you just have to constantly play your games and try to get the best of yourself to get the most gold. Which you can use to obtain benefits in the rewards, boxes with equipment and much more.

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