pubg victory announcement

In the year 2017 the phrase reached the ears of the players of the Pubg Mobile community Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner, but most did not know the meaning. Phrase that remains among current players to this day, they were so persistent that the creator of the game had to explain why this popular motto was due. Therefore, in this place we will explain the meaning of the pubg victory announcement.


This victory chant became very popular among users of PUBG Mobile, but none of them imagined that it was a phrase that remained with its creator since the beginning of this company. Forcing him to explain in detail the meaning and where this theme was born, you can hear it in the Playerunknown's Battlegrounds video, approximately from minute 9:29.

pubg victory announcement
pubg victory announcement

Where is the Pubg Mobile victory announcement born?

Some of the shooter users back then needed to know where this creative catchphrase came from, until it appeared in one of David Guzman's posts.

Within one of its chapters this motto usually appears in games of chance during the Great Depression era, at this time the economy is very affected for the community. Likewise, when they used to make some of these games betting dinners and similar things, where the most common was chicken. This was one of the meals listed as dinner for winners, because at that time there were few who could enjoy it.

Since then that phrase began to be used as a motto Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner, a rhyme widely used among the people of the community. Which was used within Pubg Mobile to represent that time. In this way, the players could identify more with their origin, using the phrase with more pride when using it as an announcement of victory.

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