like having a baby in Toca Life world

How to have a baby in Toca LifeWorld? Yes! Form a beautiful family, and make it grow whenever you want. Remember that in Toca Life World, you can do everything that passes by your imagination. Creativity will be your sure pass to many hours of fun.


Enjoy the fun that Toca Life world offers you, and do wonderful things within this incredible and colorful universe.

how to have a baby in Toca Life world
how to have a baby in Toca Life world

how to have a baby in Toca Life world

If you want your family to grow and get new and cute little people, that is, babies, in this article we will tell you absolutely everything.

What does it take to have a baby in Toca LifeWorld? The main thing is to decide if you want a human baby or a pet. If you want a human baby, you must buy a complete set from the hospital. This hospital set can be purchased from the in-game store.

to have a baby in Toca Life World, you must select a female avatar and you must dress it with clothes for pregnant. You can find these clothes in the hospital and in the character creator. You can easily distinguish the clothes, because the pregnant clothes, because it has a kind of wrinkle in the middle of the avatar.

When you decide that it is time to have your baby, you must go to the hospital and lay your avatar on the stretcher. This, for the doctor to decide if it is time to have your baby. After delivery, you must go to the neonatal area and pick up your baby. Don't forget to give it a name!

On the other hand, if you want to have a baby pet, be it a puppy or kitten, you must go to the pet hotel that you have previously purchased. You must enter the hotel and talk to the animal caretaker to check your pet. The caretaker will tell you if she is pregnant and if she will give birth to a small puppy. later toca wait for your new pet to be brought to you.

Whichever option you decided on, whether a human or pet baby, after having it with you, you should go home and introduce it to your family. This will add an extra touch of fun and adventure to your game.

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