Log Thrower Clash of Clans

En clash of clans There are troops with special and unique abilities, many of them work against ground enemies, many others with aerial enemies. The important thing is to know how to get the most out of each of them depending on the situation you find yourself in. Among these many troops are throws them logs Clash of Clans, which are a unit that has gained popularity within the community and that has seen it used in large international competitions. But what does the log thrower do?

Log Thrower Clash of Clans
Log Thrower Clash of Clans

Log Thrower Clash of Clans

The famous log thrower it's a siege engine, which is accessed by completing level 5 of your workshop. This unit has the peculiarity of firing the logs with a cooldown of very few seconds, these logs can reach up to four buildings away or what is the same 20 squares.

We highlight his other special ability which is called 'point blank ', which works as a kind of damage in area, doing damage to adjacent structures and units. It really makes it a great unit, sadly losing its life after being deployed on the battlefield. Its life decreases approximately 155 HP per second, so you must use it in the best way and try to save time in each attack. 

Another important aspect to highlight about the log thrower is that for him, its main objective is the town hall, so it will make its way little by little until it can reach it and destroy it. 

Offensive strategies for using the log thrower 

  • It is imperative that you use this unit sheltered with some golem, this so that you can deploy a greater amount of logs in the game. 
  • Another viable strategy is to place it on the opposite side of the enemy town hall, caused the destruction of many structures until reaching the town hall. Also, logs are great weapons against defensive structures. 
  • Log Throw + Yetis It is a very strong strategy and one of the most frequent in battles, since the destructive power of both turns them into lethal weapons. 

Defensive strategies for the log thrower

  • The implementation of several layers of walls it will make it very difficult for the logs to enter your base. 
  • La infernal tower is good against the strategy of throw logs + yeti, Because it can focus on several targets very quickly, it only looks for a position that is the most difficult for the enemy. Especially watch out for the archer queen and her attack range. 
  • La use of protected catapults With several layers of wall it is a sure way to eliminate enemy log launchers. 

As we can see, it is a unit with a high degree of compression, which has suffered several nerfs since the moment it came out due to the great destructive force they have on the battlefield, either to attack with it or to try to defend themselves against their attacks. We emphasize again that it is necessary that you play this unit as smartly as possible and create the optimal strategy possible to get the most out of it in battle. 

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