What is TM 8 in Rocket League

Rocket League is a soccer and car game that Epic Games launched in 2015 and that today has become one of the most played games of the moment and one of the games with the most registered users, with numbers that exceed 30 million of users.


In the game we can discover new things every day such as cars, tricks, maps, among other things, but there are some things that few people know, such as what is TM 8 in Rocket League? Today we are going to see it so that you always know what this is and when it is used.

What is TM 8 in Rocket League
What is TM 8 in Rocket League

Rocket League TM 8 Explained

In this game it is very important to be patient because many times if you score a lot of goals against your rival, it is possible that some people get upset and start sending unwanted messages, but be careful, that could also happen to teammates in case you are making mistakes.

Many times, in order not to get confused in the chat, many players use the term TM8 (which in English would be pronounced "team mate"), which means "teammate" and is used for differentiate the recipient of a message.

For better understanding, if your teammate writes TM8 followed by a text, it means that this message is addressed to you and not to the opponent, so if you see it in a game, you already know that this message is especially for you

How to activate voice chat in Rocket League?

In Rocket League there is a voice chat that we can use if we have enabled the option since as there are many underage players in the game, this option is blocked by default so that it is the player or their parents who configure it correctly. To activate the chat you have to:

  1. Open Rocket League
  2. Go to setting
  3. Find the tab “Chat”
  4. Go to “voice chat”
  5. Choose your preferred configuration

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