How much does the cod mobile battle pass cost

One of the best shooting and action games for mobile devices is code Mobile, which is a mobile version of the famous game Call of Duty which has been one of the most successful of all time. It is a free game but, like many other games, it offers a “battle pass” that will allow us to enjoy a series of additional benefits such as exclusive weapons, characters, accessories, classes, and many other things.


Battle Passes are updated and changed every season, adding new features and removing or discontinuing old ones, which means that if you want to always have all the items of the battle pass, you will have to buy it every month or every season. Now if you want to know how much does the battle pass cost code Mobile and some other interesting facts about this, keep reading this article so you can know.

How much does the cod mobile battle pass cost
How much does the cod mobile battle pass cost

How much does the cod mobile battle pass cost

The battle pass will give us more rewards as we play games in Call of Duty Mobile, as rewards will be added or the exclusive rewards of the season will be unlocked, giving us access to all those items, accessories and characters that are available in the rewards of battle pass tiers

El Call of Duty Mobile battle pass price is 360 CP (which is the in-game currency) and bundle battle pass cost 880 CP or COD points. The bundle pass brings with it a box with exclusive items that you can only have if you buy that pass, but because of its high price (it costs more than twice as much as the normal pass) not many people are interested in getting it.

Season Rewards

The next season of this game brings us a series of novelties such as the new theme that will be over the dunes of the tropics, plus new multiplayer maps, game modes, and new abilities. It also brings new rewards for premium pass levels as the character Rivas – smuggler and Rosa – animal instinct and weapons projects for AK-47, kilo with bolt mechanism, PKM and MSMC.

The map Apocalypse will be added to the game and is a medium sized map that first appeared in the game in Black ops cold war and it is special for tactical combat thanks to the distribution of its interior spaces, although it also has open areas that are useful for flanking enemies and for fighting in open terrain.

El super soldier mode It will also be available this season and its objective is simple: eliminate enemy operators until you reach 30 points, a task that may seem simple but can become complicated.

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