How to unlock gestures in Call of Duty Mobile

The best mobile action game right now is CODMobile, or at least, one of the best, and it is for no other reason than because of the novelties that they always offer in their updates and changes of seasons, among which we can highlight new maps, new game modes, characters, weapons, camouflages, among many other things that make this game very entertaining and that never ceases to surprise us, in addition to having a very acceptable gameplay for most players.


The gestures are not a really important element in the game, since we could play it at a high level without ever having to use these gestures, but they are very useful to interact with teammates and other players, making our game more fun and a little less tense between teammates. In this article we will comment how to unlock gestures in Call of Duty Mobile and how to use them in your games, so stay tuned until the end to find out.

How to unlock gestures in Call of Duty Mobile
How to unlock gestures in Call of Duty Mobile

How to unlock gestures in Call of Duty Mobile

If you are looking for a way to express yourself without the need to write a message or speak into the microphone, then gestures will be very useful for you, since you can express compliments to other players and also make fun of them with very well-crafted dances. Older players commonly use these emotes when performing a very deserving or very easy takedown, simply to annoy their victim.

Many of these gestures are dances that may or may not be famous, everything will depend on the rarity of the gesture you have. It is possible to buy the gestures, but it is also possible to get them for free and that is what we are going to know today, since we understand that not all people are willing to pay money in a video game and they also want to enjoy the call of duty emotes Mobile

You won't be able to get the most exclusive gestures for free, the gestures “common” you can get them completing missions, events, battle pass levels, among many other things. You could also receive some emote as a reward for logging in daily, completing achievements and in boxes, but in the latter case the chances are lessened by the fact that you could receive many things, including emotes, so it will depend on your luck.

How to buy gestures in the game?

To buy gestures we will need CPTherefore the credits will not serve us for this purpose, so we must first have CP enough or have a means of payment that we can use within the game as Paypal or any debit card or credit card with which we can make purchases online.

Packages CP they can be used not only to buy gestures, but also to buy the battle pass, boxes, and some other exclusive items that will be very useful in games and that will make us look much more exclusive by using things that very few people have in the game.

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