How to Configure Gameloop for Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile is one of the most popular mobile shooters at the moment, already counting on millions of users all over the world who share games of this incredible Activision game every day that offers us a game mode Battle Royale in which we can explore large worlds while the area is closed, and classic multiplayer mode of Call of Duty that will always bring us very good experiences.


Despite being a game developed and created for mobile devices, the truth is that today with the immense amount of Android emulators for PC that exist, there are many people who choose to play these games on a PC because of the comfort that this entails, being able to make ones with a larger keyboard and above all, a mouse, which will give us a great advantage if we play games of the shooters or action category.

How to Configure Gameloop for Call of Duty Mobile
How to Configure Gameloop for Call of Duty Mobile

Gameloop and Call of Duty Mobile

You may not know it yet, but Gameloop is one of the best Android emulators out there and one of the reasons for this is that it was designed by Tencent, a company that is part of the development of games like Call of Duty Mobile or PUBG Mobile, which could easily be some of the 5 best games of this style currently, but that is another topic, regarding Gameloop, there are several things you should know in order to get the most out of your games in this emulator.

Gameloop settings to play Call of Duty Mobile

Mainly we must be sure that our Gameloop is set to "smart mode", since in this way the emulator will know what the characteristics of our PC are and will adapt to it to offer performance according to the physical and system elements that make up our computer.

Another important piece of information is configure the RAM of our emulator to half of what our PC has, that is, if we have a PC with 8 GB of RAM, we will have to configure it for a PC with 4 GB of RAM, This is more than anything to avoid having lags or bugs that could be very common as a consequence of playing on a PC through an emulator, since, as you know, this does not always go well, that is why you should always use Emulators that have a good reputation, such as Gameloop.

The other aspects, such as the graphic quality, may be modified or changed in the game itself that we enter through the Gameloop in the settings menu of said game, selecting the graphic quality that we want to have, but remember, the less graphic quality you have, your game will go much faster and with fewer errors, but this will depend a lot on the quality of your PC.

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