How to hack Call of Duty Mobile

With the large number of users of this mobile action game, some of them very high level, you will surely wonder if Is it possible to hack Cod Mobile? And today we will not only answer that question, but also explain to you exactly how to hack call of duty mobile on your mobile in a few steps so that you can be much superior to your enemies and level up quickly to obtain all the rewards before the others.


There are many ways to hack Call of Duty Mobile, from hacks to get CP, camouflages, characters, rewards, and much more, as well as to also have aimbot, vision through walls, and many other things that directly affect the gameplay and will make us much better.

How to hack Call of Duty Mobile
How to hack Call of Duty Mobile

Hack Call of Duty Mobile on my mobile device

It is important to comment that we do not recommend the use of hacks for the game due to the consequences that this could bring, however, there are some that could not cause problems or that at least have been tested by several people and it seems that very few have suffered consequences. Today we will talk about one of the most popular ways to hack the game and for this we will explain step by step what we must do:

  1. Download Call of Duty Mobile on your mobile device
  2. Find the game in storage path which should say “Android/obb/com.activision.callofduty.shooter.” and proceeds to change the name of the folder by adding any digit at the end.
  3. Uninstall cod Mobile.
  4. Download the “MOD MENU” through an APK.
  5. Now go to the APK folder and proceed to install it and then rename the cod mobile folder to its original name.
  6. And that's it, you can now hack Call of Duty all you want.

The reason for all this is that the MOD menu It needs the storage data of the game to be able to work, so it is necessary to change the name so that when uninstalling cod mobile it is not deleted at the same time as the application.

This hack for cod Mobile used to get infinite money, aimbot and immortal mode with which we can be much superior in our games, making things much easier for us because with the aimbot we can kill any enemy without the slightest effort, in addition to being able to make use of the infinite money that we will get thanks to the hack.

Now, you must be aware of the consequences that could fall on your account when making use of these hacks, because the developers of the game are very aware of this type of behavior and usually penalize them with both suspensions and permanent bans, so it is something that you should definitely take into account before using them.

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