Tag for COD Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile It is one of the most downloaded mobile games and with the most users in recent times, also due to the great success of the Call of Duty saga, which has a very successful history and is undoubtedly one of the best shooting games in the world. history, being possible even that it is the best of all, but it already depends on the tastes of each person.


COD Mobile offers different things to entertain us, such as a mode Battle Royale, a multiplayer mode, events, seasons, boxes, characters, weapons, clans, and much more that will make us spend a lot of time in front of the mobile. If you want to know what are tags for Mobile COD since you have the doubt about whether this is the same as your nickname, do not worry, then we will explain what this is and what it is for.

Tag for COD Mobile
Tag for COD Mobile

What is the tag in Call of Duty Mobile?

Unlike the nickname, which is the name that appears when playing COD Mobile games and with which our friends can add us to play us, the tag is an identification of the clan in which we are that we will place after our name, so, in order to have a tag, we must first be in a Call of Duty Mobile clan.

The importance or value of the tag is that some are quite well known, which means that other players will know that you are a player with hierarchy and experience, belonging to one of the best Call of Duty Mobile clans, which is not an easy task, because in these clans only play the best players.

Now, you could also create your own clan or enter one that has a good projection to one day become a clan with the potential to be one of the best in the world, everything will depend on whether it is made up of good players or people who really have desire to be the best in this game.

How to create a clan in COD Mobile?

Creating a clan in COD Mobile is quite simple and we can achieve it in a few steps, we just have to tocar in option “clan” that will appear in the main menu and then we can send requests to some clans that are recruiting. If you want create your own clan then you should select the option “create clan” and then complete the data that will be requested there to create your clan, such as the minimum level to enter, the name of the clan, and some other things.

Each clan is allowed to have up to 20 members, so you can invite all your friends who don't have a clan so you can quickly have a fairly complete clan to play games with and meet new players.

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