Dream League Soccer Secret Players

En Dream League Soccer we will be able to form a champion team to play all the tournaments, game modes and games with friends that we want to play, but how will we do this? Well, simple, playing, winning and hiring new players.


In the game there is a transfer section where we will get players according to the level of our team but What are the secret players of Dream League Soccer? Today we will talk about this and we will tell you everything you need to know about them.

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Secret Dream League Soccer Players
Secret Dream League Soccer Players

What is a secret player in Dream League Soccer?

 Secret players are players who appear in the transfer tab but are covered in black, so we won't be able to tell who they are. They are usually at a price that may be a bit high, but less than what the player would cost on their own.

Our recommendation is that when you buy secret players it is because there are not very good options in the transfer tab, since sometimes we can get a good player but in a position that we already have well covered.

How do you get secret players in Dream League Soccer?

Usually the players in the transfers tab are reset from time to time, so the secret players will also change constantly, so it is practically impossible to know or guess which secret player you are going to get.

Getting the best secret players will require us to get a bit lucky to get players in the positions we need to reinforce, or some star that can come into the team to make it even better.

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